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  • What is PIoTCN?
    In May 2017, a Project ( was formed with volunteer members of the Perth Internet of Everything Community. We set out to build a free-to-use IoT Communications Network across Perth to enable the broader Perth community to learn, innovate and demonstrate the value of IoT. The more people that understand IoT the faster we can realise the benefits for the economy, society and environment. Our project mission: “Future proof yourself and your community.” We are not a company, legal entity, or charity or not for profit. We are just a group of people. We planned to deploy 4 LoRaWAN gateways configured to extend a global free-to-use IoT Network using sponsors and volunteers. The network is decentralised, meaning there is no central controlling owner, the members of the community own their parts and together provide a network. We planned to educate people with skills for the fourth industrial revolution (World economic forum) through experiential learning both on the project (as a volunteer learning how to deliver change in a disruptive way transforming our own mindsets) and outside the project by providing practical exposure to IoT. A communications network for IoT is an ideal enabler for learning and innovation. If there is a low cost to acquire data people are more likely to share it. If people share there is more opportunity for cross industry insight and further innovation. To execute the project, we established a team structure with 4 sub teams themed around Infrastructure, Experiential Learning, Marketing, and Sponsorship. Each team self-assembled and self-defined how to deliver one objective each for the Communications Network. Be: WORKING, USED, KNOWN, and SUSTAINABLE. We gathered around 80 volunteers. Each of the 4 team managers were challenged to lead and inspire their volunteer resources to achieve their objectives.
  • What is Perth IoT Community?
    The Perth Internet of Thing (IoT) community is the Perth collaborative community chapter of the's network of volunteers and emerging technology talent in Perth and Melbourne Australia. They meet regularly for a sponsored meetup to network and hear from emerging technology players who have something to show in the world of IoT and Data Analytics. We encourage practical demonstrations. Anyone can join the Perth community by joining or the Melbourne community at
  • Where are the gateways?
    You can see a map of all Things Network gateways at: Zoom in on Perth WA to see our active Free LoRa coverage.
  • How did the project deliver so much in 5 months?
    Perth IoT Community leveraged The Things Network platform to deploy a Long Range Low Power Wide Area Network across Perth….LoRaWAN Wireless LoRa gateways were supplied in-kind through sponsorship. Gateways are hosted by community members including individuals, industry and government throughout Western Australia Network configuration and administration will be managed by community volunteers with support from TheThingsNetwork Training facilitation of IoT node development was be delivered by community members as part of the PIoTCN project. The first IoT prototypes were presented at an Perth IoT Community event in October 2017 The PIoTCN project efforts enabled organic growth of the network after October, the project efforts including knowledge gathered, usecase ideas and training will be re-usable anyone. A complete chronological listing of events from inception to launch with artefacts and videos of events is available at:
  • Why did the project close?
    The project set a 5 month timeline from May to October 2017 to have its objectives achieved. On 20th October there was experiential learning and several gateways delivered See the map at The learning material was published for free re-use, and anyone can use it to run their own experiential learning sessions specific to their industry or company. The network does not need a project team or formal structure to grow the network further. We needed that to get the momentum and get the 4 objectives delivered. The network now grows organically through word of mouth, interest, usage and general momentum. At 20th October the PIoTCN project set free several elements core to future-proofing Perth. A free to use communications network that can scale up further to enable anyone to understand the environment around them at a very low cost using long range and low power LoRA technology. Facilitation material for coming up with ideas for IoT use cases How-to instructions to build IoT nodes, configure gateways, stay secure, and use the data that can be used to train yourself and others. A story that inspires anyone in the community to be a leader and take action, amaze themselves and achieve the change they want to see happen. PIOTCN was an idea that went on to deliver a great outcome in just 5 months. It delivered without a base of employees, money or tools. Opportunity for people to step outside their comfort zone to learn and grow. The project was chaotic and unconventional for a reason. You don’t learn if you don’t try something different. The core management team and board have established strong friendships and continue to care for the wellbeing of our PIoTCN baby. The day had come to set it free to go on and grow on its own who knows what it will contribute to. Maybe it will bring the Perth community closer together through insight across environment, social and economy. Maybe we can use those insights to be smarter. Maybe we can lead the world to show that to reap the benefits of a smart city, you need an empowered community.
  • Who owns the LoRa Gateways?
    The gateways are community owned. That means individuals or organisations in the Perth community own the gateways and share free access to the things network through them. They will be maintained and operated by those community members in line with the memorandum of understanding.
  • How do we future-proof Perth ongoing?
    Simple, just keep learning and collaborating. Spread awareness about what the project has delivered and try to expand it using the resources available. You could even set up your own community project with specific objectives. Maybe start with a blog post about what you’ve learned and invite people to comment on your ideas. Next steps is to get sensor data shared which means companies, government and individuals need to collaborate cross-industry for common goals. The United Nations sustainability goals are a good start, but Western Australia has unique challenges and we can get more specific as to how we can solve them together. For example, we are well positioned to lead remote operations in both terrestrial and space projects, and have strong STEM talent and a can-do-attitude to back it.
  • I want to be part of the excitement, where do I go?"
    Join IoE Community, meet new friends, start a project of your own or join theirs. Don’t wait, take action, and be awesome!
  • How can I build IoT nodes and connect them to the network?
    Follow instructions on from the Egg Alert IoT Node example, or check out the many tutorials of
  • How can I get and host a gateway?
    Get a LoRa compliant gateway that runs on the Australian unlicensed spectrum. Make sure it is TTN compatible. As a project of Interent of Everything Perth Community, are fortunate to be supported by where you can get support and 10% discount store wide. Check out our for latest discount code.
  • What if someone wants to learn about IoT?
    All our experiential learning content will be available for free use. Come along to an IoT Community meetup or engage with the community to organise an experiential learning session using the material from PIoTCN.
  • How do I connect an IoT Node to the Things Network in Perth?
    Best to follow an example. The project delivered experiential learning to connect a heat sensor to Internt via the things network that implemented by PIoTCN project. No SIM card, No Data Plan. Free IoT Connectivity. The solution use case was an Egg Alert, that detects when a chicken has laid an egg and send a fresh egg message to a smartphone. Presentation is available at: Instructions are available at: There is also loads of instructions and help in the community.
  • How can I associate my personal or company brand with PIoTCN?
    It is a bit late given the project is complete. If you sponsor a gateway, a hosting point or an experiential learning session in alignment with the PIoTCN mission and vision I am sure we can list your brand on this website. You can of course work with Perth IoT:
  • Where can I go to catch up on what I’ve missed?


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Perth, Western Australia

©2017 by Perth Internet of Things Communications Network.

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